Enjoying a meal together

As my friend is not as enthusiastic about raw food as I am, I decided to sit on the floor and share my meal with the cat.

Kangaroo mince

While the cat was totally uninterested in the delicious crisp crunchy vegetables, she relished the raw kangaroo mince and olive oil that I shared with her.

I admit that I was rather stingy. I ate all of the vegetables and most of the meat. The cat would have liked to have had more of that delicious meat.

I can think of plenty of excuses:

  • I am bigger than the cat.
  • The cat didn’t eat her vegetables.
  • I won’t have enough meat for tomorrow if I give the cat more.
  • I think the cat has had enough
  • The cat did’t pay her fair share of the cost of the meat.
  • The floor is uncomfortable for me.

I think the cat was wise. She didn’t complain. She just affectionately rubbed her body across my ankles for a while.

We did enjoy having a meal together on other occasions.

Raw food

I rarely eat any processed foods as I prefer delicious natural foods. I put myself under a lot of stress, and my health tends to suffer when I eat processed foods.

Before I started eating nearly all my food raw, I cooked my food like other people did.

When given a choice, I liked my food to be under cooked.

Vegetables tend to become colourless, flavourless and mushy when overcooked. I prefer colourful vegetables and the adventure of the full flavour of undercooked vegetables.

I an not vegetarian and am definitely am not vegan. I haven’t yet found a way to make either of those two lifestyles work for my body and the way I run my life.

As I have a busy life, when preparing meals for myself I sometimes didn’t bother cooking my food at all. Not only did it save me the cooking time, it also saved me the time and effort involved in washing saucepans. It also completely eliminated the risk of burning the cooking utensils which tended to happen when I was distracted by phone calls and other interruptions.

Eventually I almost completely gave up cooking. I rarely ate any food that was not raw.

I can still enjoy a cooked meal with family or friends. Or a meal at a restaurant. However I mainly prefer raw.

Raw eggs

While I don’t recommend this, it is a snack that I regularly enjoy myself.

I believe that it is safer if you get your eggs from healthy hens. Either have your own hens or find a farmer who keeps their hens very healthy. Alternatively certified organic free range eggs or other free range eggs are likely to be safer than cage eggs.